TOP 10 Reasons Why BreakUp Is Good for you..!

10. Loss of Sleep
I don’t know about anyone else, but when I am upset, or have something I’m thinking about, it is impossible for me to shut my brain off, and therefore, I cannot sleep. But this can be a good thing. I have re-arranged my room, cleaned my house, organized my sock drawer, cleaned under my refrigerator, scrubbed every hard surface in my house, gone through my clothes for Good Will, and read two books. I mean, think of all that time I could have wasted sleeping, happily enjoying coupledom!?!

9. Lack of Appetite
Post-breakup is the perfect time to jump start that new diet! I mean, I constantly feel like I’m going to vomit and have no desire to eat anything anyways. And I am really liking the sunken hollow look in my face due to lack of sleep combined with malnourishment – it’s so Hollywood. I should have thought of this months ago! All this time I’ve been blissful cooking dinner with a special someone and eating – what was I thinking?!?
8. Taking Care of Yourself 
Every girl, and I have a feeling every boy, secretly wishes that the next time they run into their now “ex” they will look perfect and the other person will be insanely jealous. Come on, admit it, you know it’s true! So, to make sure this little wish comes to fruition, I’ve cut my hair, gone shopping, and taken up working out twice a day. No, no, no, it’s not because I trying to find something to do with my time – or I’m indulging in retail therapy. And it’s not because working out releases stress, I mean who’s stressed?? All this time I’ve been putting off waxing my eyebrows, silly girl!?!
7. Sappy Romance Movies – NO MORE!
After a breakup the last thing you want to do is sit and watch a sappy romantic comedy, wish you were watching it with your ex-sig-o, and cry yourself into oblivion. So instead you get to get caught up on all the other movies you’ve been missing out on because you’ve been so obsessed with l.o.v.e. My favorites are horror flicks, I like to watch them and pretend my ex is the first victim. Just kidding… kind of. But with some of the great masterpieces out there, how could I have wasted my time watching sappy love crap?!?
6. Pick up old Hobbies
With all this extra time on your hands, it’s the perfect time to start in on old hobbies you’ve neglected. I hadn’t been able to find time to drink myself into oblivion, flirt with random d-bags, or drunk dial old boyfriends to discuss life. I am really looking forward to being able to commit myself to those things I’ve neglected because I’ve been to busy having quite nights in for two. I can’t believe I chose that over the bar scene in Chico!?!
5. Lots of Dinner Dates 
Remember the old adage about falling off your bike and getting back on and trying again? Well, the only way to recover from a breakup is to get back into life and try again. So your girlfriends all convince you that you need to get dressed up and go out to dinner – like every night – even when you’d rather take your tired, sorry, dumped butt back to bed with your new lovers Ben… and Jerry – so that you can pay for ridiculously expensive meals that your not going to eat because your still nauseas’ (see #9). But hey, why would you want to be spending time with Mr. Wonderful when you can sit at a table feeling sorry for yourself while your friends all tell you you’re wonderful!?!
4. Lots of Alcohol 
Apparently, in today’s culture, we are expected to heal all our wounds by imbibing in drink. And my friends want to help me with that. So they have been dropping off alcohol by the case load. Literally. And those friends who are to far away to bring by a case of beer, or a case of wine (did you know you could buy wine by the case, because I didn’t) – well, they’ve showed they care by mailing it to me. And nothing screams, “I’ve just been dumped” like going to the post office to pick up a case of Bud Light – in a bottle, not a can!?!
3. Taking Up New Hobbies
To get your mind off of things, like dwelling obsessively over “what happened” or becoming neurotic and analyzing the minutest details of the relationship-failed – not that anyone would actually do this, I’m just saying… - it may be more healthy to pick up new hobbies to occupy your time. I’ve taken up training for the Olympics, everyone keeps telling me that drinking is a sport – and with all the alcohol I’ve had pushed in front of me the past couple of days, I’m sure I’ll be a gold medalist the next time around. I mean, why would I want to waste my time on some guy when I could be training for a gold medal in alcoholism?!?
2. Finding out Just How Cool Your Friends Really Are 
All joking aside, getting through a breakup would be infinitely more horrendous if you don’t have good friends who you can cry and lament with – and who will give you a good shot of self esteem when you need it, or a good shot of vodka if that doesn’t work. I have been thanking the powers that be for my friends every hour over this last couple of days – you guys ROCK!!
And the Number One Reason a Breakup is a Good Thing….
Oh, who am I kidding, this is a bunch of crap! Breakup’s suck – even if you know it was for the best. And if you’re going through one, I am sorry, just know that the pain will lesson over time – I hope…
“When you can’t wait any longer, But there’s no end in sight, It’s the faith that makes you stronger, The only way we get there is one step at a time, Take one step at a time there’s no need to rush, It’s like learning to fly or falling in love, It’s gonna happen and it’s supposed to happen, That we find the reasons why, one step at a time.”
