Is life really worth it?

Is there a scale to measure the worth of life?
I guess not.
But hypothetically speaking you can assume your life’s worth with these parameters.
  1. The people that you have earned (Friends and family)
  2. Your reputation in the society
  3. Times you have taken a stand for what is right
  4. The places in the world you have travelled to
  5. Cars you have owned and driven*
  6. Number of books read and movies watched
  7. Strangers you have helped without expecting any return
Some say that money isn’t important, but if read again the 7 points that I have mentioned above, money plays a pivotal role in all of them. Yes, money is important.
But i guess nowadays, the younger generation arrive at life’s worth by the number of instagram followers or any social media they have.
I am not against it or say that social media is unnecesary, but that should not occupy the entire day.
So get out there in the world and increase the worth of your life.
