My Friend Roy's Love Story

This iz how it got start'd
Never knew it hurt'd
May be physically, may be mentally.
Made me grudge on love
Start'd on september
When i first saw her
She stood near a car
Which was way to far.
Over the fence, To take a chance
Stole a sideway glance
Mov'n a bit near
Got ma view clear.

Guess she slip'd into my Fantasy
But ter was no Fan 2 see,

A sudden stop, Ma mynd said 'hye'.

Let her go in her way
tryna keep ma mind away.

A year later....

Grew a bit smart'r
got hook'd up with her.
Got along more further 
crossed ma border...
Realized that later...!

Chill'd at the Park
till it got dark.
Made love with my talk
On a mountain top.

Hands always join'd together,
Whether Summer or Winter.

Fly'd like a feather 
High above all towers
Without any power
Wanna be wid ya Forever..!  
